Understanding hair issues according to Ayurveda:
Ayurveda looks at hair issues on a micro level and hence, gets to the root of the issue. Ayurvedic science believes that the human body is made of the five elements- fire, earth, water, air, and space- which combine into doshas and affect our health, temperament, and hair. Any hair care we use should be per the individual states of our elevated doshas, which Vedix determines through a simple Dosha Assessment Questionnaire.
Understanding Hairfall According To Ayurveda

What Causes Hair Fall?
We are primarily made up of three doshas: Vata (Air and Earth Energies), Pitta (Fire Energy), and Kapha (Water and Earth Energies). These doshas are imbalanced by pollution, inconsistent diet, chemical buildup from generic products, lack of sleep, dehydration, and much more. The disturbance in the dosha ratios causes hair fall and other hair issues.
How does each dosha affect hair?
The scalp health is also regulated by the doshas. When even one of the doshas is imbalanced, the scalp health is dysregulated, leading to hair issues.
Vata dosha:
Elevated Vata Dosha leads to a dehydrated scalp, hair fall, hair thinning, dandruff, and more.
Pitta Dosha:
Elevated Pitta dosha can overheat or inflame the scalp, leading to weaker hair roots, dandruff, scalp diseases, or greasiness.
Kapha Dosha:
Elevated Kapha dosha can make the scalp oily or itchy, leading to dandruff and hair fall.
After knowing the results of your unique Dosha assessment, our team at Vedix selects the relevant herbs and blends them into formulas that help calm their imbalance. Additionally, these herbs also nourish your hair and scalp with essential nutrients that give your hair much-needed extra care and love.
How it Works